Around 13 youths got food poisoning after eating chicken biryani at Mandi Crude’s restaurant in Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam. They were rushed to the hospital due to severe vomiting and abdominal pain. The incident came to light when the local police registered a case against the restaurant on Monday night. After the Vinayaka Chavithi celebrations were over, the youth went to the local Mandi Crude restaurant to have a party. Those who ate mandi biryani there fell seriously ill with vomiting and diarrhoea.
According to Gajuwaka Police Station Inspector L Bhaskar Rao, a group of 13 friends went to the restaurant on October 8 and ate chicken biryani and barbecue chicken wings. The next morning, they started showing symptoms of vomiting and stomach related problems. They were admitted to the hospital. Nine of them have been discharged and four are undergoing treatment. Gajuwaka police have registered cases under IPC sections 269 and 272 against the restaurant owner.