Another donation was received at Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam. The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam Board has donated fertilizers worth about four lakh rupees. Coromandel International donated fertilizers worth Rs 4.10 lakh to TTD Horticulture Department on Monday. Coromandel International Limited Vice President Satyanarayana, RM Ramana Reddy, Marketing Officer Murali.. four lakh worth of fertilizers were handed over to the officials at the Horticulture Department office at Kalyanavedika in Tirumala. These fertilizers will be used for the cultivation of plants in the gardens of Tirumala and Tirupati.
On the other hand, TTD received a huge donation on Sunday. Rajinder Gupta of Trident Group in Punjab donated Rs.21 crores to TTD SV Prandana Trust. The taluk check of Rs.21 crore was handed over to TTD Additional EO Venkaiah Chaudhary on Sunday. SV Prandana Trust provides free medical services to the poor. Free treatment and medicines are provided to those suffering from life-threatening diseases. In recognition of the services of the trust, the Punjab organization made a huge donation. Along with the SV Prandana Trust, SV Annadanam Trust also receives donations from many donors from time to time. TTD will use these donations to provide better facilities to the devotees.
Traffic restrictions on Tirumala Ghat road.
On the other hand, TTD has taken a key decision keeping in mind the safety of the devotees who come to visit Tirumala Shrivari. From August 12 to September 30, two-wheelers have been banned on Ghat roads. TTD officials clarified that two-wheelers including bikes will be allowed only from 6 am to 9 pm on these dates. It has been made clear that two-wheeler vehicles will not be allowed to travel after 9 pm till 6 am.
Officials say that the fertility of wild animals is high in the months of August and September. In this background, there is a possibility of wandering here and there on the ghat road.. As a precaution to keep this in mind, it has been decided to allow two-wheelers only from 6 am to 9 pm.