Speculations have come to an end as the Congress leadership has announced the name of the candidate who will contest the Rajya Sabha by-election from Telangana. AICC General Secretary KC Venugopal said in a statement that senior Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi will contest the by-election. After senior BRS leader K Kesha Rao resigned and joined the Congress, speculations about who will fill the position have been rife since the beginning of July. Abhishek announced Manu Singhvi’s name and opened the door for them. Abhishek Manu Singhvi was formerly a member of the Rajya Sabha from West Bengal. A lawyer by profession.
The Election Commission has said that elections will be held on September 3 for the 12 vacant Rajya Sabha seats in nine states. Ten Rajya Sabha seats fell vacant as sitting members including Union Ministers Piyush Goyal, Sarbananda Sonowal and Jyotiraditya Scindia were elected to the Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha election notification was released on August 14. Last date for filing nomination is August 21. Separate elections will be held for each Rajya Sabha seat on September 3 and the results will be announced on the same day.