Meanwhile, the anti-corruption squad raided the house of former YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) minister Jogi Ramesh in Ibrahimpatnam this morning. The raid is part of an investigation into an alleged Agrigold land scam in which Ramesh is the prime suspect. Ramesh was accused of abusing his position and illegally acquiring Agrigold land under the direction of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) during his tenure as housing minister. Ramesh and his family reportedly made a profit of several crores through this piecemeal sale of lands allegedly confiscated by the CIT.
Following a complaint from AgriGold officials, serious investigation began and the ACB had to examine various documents and records at Ramesh’s residence. According to reports, several members of his family may also be involved in this scam. Last month, Jogi Ramesh had expressed concern over a possible arrest in connection with various cases of AgriGold land scam and vandalism at the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) office. Accordingly, he had applied to the State Supreme Court for interim bail. Today’s ACB raid is a key focus of the investigation and further developments are expected as the investigation continues.