Former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia has been released from Tihar Jail. It is known that the Supreme Court granted bail to Sisodia in Liquor Policy ED and CBI cases. Sisodia was in Tihar Jail for 17 months (530 days).
The Supreme Court has imposed conditions of surrender of passport, surety bond of Rs 10 lakh and attendance before the investigating agency every Monday. As Sisodia was released, AAP ranks celebrated at Tihar Jail. AAP MP Sanjay Singh welcomed Sisodia.
Sisodia said that the dictatorial government will be overthrown in the coming days. He said that he came out with the strength of the constitution and the truth. He said that the constitution will protect the opposition leaders. Sisodia will visit Raj Ghat on Saturday.
Meanwhile, it is known that the Delhi Liquor Scam created a sensation across the country. After the arrest of Manish Sisodia 17 months ago, so far few others have been arrested in the same case.
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