CM Revanth Reddy gave another good news to Telangana farmers. In his speech at the independence ceremony held at Golconda Fort, he announced that the Rythu Bharosa Pathakham will be implemented soon. He said that the meeting with the President of the World Bank during his visit to America was positive. They said that they agreed to give loans at low interest. CM Revanth said that they will not burden the people by bringing loans at high interest rates like the previous government.
The CM said that some people are making false allegations about the farmer loan waiver. Once again the CM clarified that all those who are eligible for the scheme will get loan waiver. He said that it is the responsibility of the public representatives to do it if no waiver is granted due to technical reasons. It has been revealed that orders have already been issued to set up special counters in all district collectorates. CM Revanth commented that his birth was blessed by loan waiver.