Jaipur: Authorities demolished the house of a Muslim student who stabbed a fellow student. (Bulldozer action) Heavy police were deployed there on this occasion. The incident took place in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Two students of class 10 of a government school were beaten up during lunch break on Friday. On this occasion, a Hindu Dalit student was stabbed by a Muslim student. The seriously injured student was taken to the hospital and is being treated. This incident led to communal strife in the area. People belonging to both communities committed riots. Many cars were set on fire.
Meanwhile, the accused Muslim student and his father have been arrested by the police. Also, the Udaipur district administration has identified the rented house they are living in as an illegal structure. In this context, after evacuating them on Saturday, the house was demolished with the JCBs. Police were heavily deployed on this occasion. A small scuffle took place between the locals and the police who tried to resist.
Rajasthan: Bulldozer action started at the residence of the Muslim boy, who stabbed multiple times at a Dalit Hindu boy in Udaipur.
Good job by CM @BhajanlalBjp Ji pic.twitter.com/Ct6CnZxG0i
— Oxomiya Jiyori (@SouleFacts) August 17, 2024