Hyderabad: BRS Working President KTR said that within eight months of coming to power, the Congress government incurred debts of over Rs.50,000 crore. KTR warned that no debt has been incurred in such a short period of time in the history of Telangana, and if this trend continues, by the end of the tenure of the Congress government, the state of Telangana will have a debt burden of Rs.4-5 lakh crore. KTR responded to the news about the increasing debts during the Congress regime.
KTR questioned whether the loans were taken without starting any new projects and whether this is the change promised by the Congress. He expressed confidence that the people of Telangana have now realized the fraud being committed by the Congress and will be held accountable for it at the appropriate time. By 2023, the state will spend Rs. Stating that there is a budget surplus of Rs 5,900 crore, he compared the current situation with the record of the BRS government.
He alleged that the Congress turned this surplus into a huge debt while misleading people with false claims about the financial condition of the state during the BRS regime. KTR said that Congress has spread false information to tarnish the image of BRS and now it has broken all records in taking loans.