The schedule for the Lok Sabha elections in the country has been released. Assembly elections will be held in four states along with the Lok Sabha elections. It also includes Andhra Pradesh. The political heat continues in the state with Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. Interesting developments are taking place. And all the political parties are rushing in the campaign. With the release of the schedule, the Election Code came into force in the country. In this order Visakha Police Commissioner gave key instructions on political campaign meetings in AP. In the wake of the elections, everyone in the state should follow the rules. Visakha CP Ravi Shankar told the media that some people are holding political meetings without permission and action will be taken if they do so.
Visakha CP Ravi Shankar said that all political parties should take permission through Suvidha app for election campaign. He said that the app works for this. If the permission cannot be taken through the app.. If the app does not work, they said to take the permission from the returning officer. CP Ravi Shankar said that the NOC will be given by the police. CP Ravi Shankar said that the police will not give permission for rallies, meetings and door-to-door campaigns.
However, Visakha said that it has come to their attention that some political meetings are being held without permission. Action will be taken against such people. He said that the SST team is already working in five divisions. CP Ravi Shankar strongly said that everyone has to follow the rules in the context of elections. CP Ravi Shankar said that a total of 728 people have licensed guns in the district.. They have been handed over. On the other hand, Visakha CP Ravi Shankar said that even if someone gives a fake complaint, they will be taken seriously and action will be taken.