The Telangana State Home Department has given a green signal for special shows related to the movie ‘Bharatiyadu 2’. To this extent, Dr. Jitender, Principal Secretary of the State Home Department, has issued an order. Suresh Productions is releasing this movie in Telangana. The film production company requested the government to give an opportunity to increase the ticket rates for this movie.. The home department of Telangana state gave a green signal to this request. It has given permission to increase the price by 75 rupees in multiplex and 50 rupees in single screens.
The Kamal-Shankar combination gave the film Bharatiyadu in 1996. Now that the sequel is coming, there are huge expectations on the movie. Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Bhavani Shankar, SJ Surya, Siddharth and Gulshan Grover are playing pivotal roles. Anirudh Ravichander has provided music and background score for this movie.