Bandi Sanjay said that the stains of slavery enforced by Nehru should be erased. Union Minister Bandi Sanjay, who participated in the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Yatra held at Tower Circle in Karimnagar, made hot comments. Ambedkar said that Congress has added many sins for political gain if it provides a great constitution. Minority balancing policies are the reason for the country’s insecurity. Ambedkar said that Congress has added many sins in it if it provided a great constitution. Will it be wrong if the BJP washes away the sins of the Congress? He asked.
There is nothing wrong if the Waqf Board Bill was amended during the tenure of Nehru, PV and Manmohan.. Will it be wrong if Modi brings the Waqf Board Amendment Bill to correct those mistakes? They were fired. He alleged that the Congress is conspiring to block the Waqf Board Amendment Bill in the name of religion. He called to put aside the flag and agenda on the 15th of August and hoist the three-month flag on every house. He said that he who does not wave the national flag is not an Indian. He called everyone to work with nationalistic ideology. From today till August 15th, it is advised not to put the three month flag as DP in WhatsApp on everyone’s phone.