TTD EO J. Shyamala Rao said that Tirumala Srivenkatvera Swamy received Rs. 125.35 crore hundi income in the month of July. He made these comments while talking to reporters after the Dial Your Evo program held in Tirumala on Friday. He said that 22.13 lakh devotees had darshan in the last month. He said that 1.04 crore brownies were sold.
TTD EO J. to follow the allotted time on SED tickets and SSD tokens so that devotees do not have to wait unnecessarily in Tirumala. Shyama Rao appealed to the devotees. He said that many devotees had to wait for many hours as they came for darshan much earlier than the allotted time on their SSD tokens and SED tickets. For the past few days, TTD has been allowing devotees to enter the darshan queues only during the allotted time as mentioned on the tokens or tickets. But, still many devotees come to Tirumala very early and wait outside and face difficulties, he said. The TTD EO appealed to the devotees to be punctual so as not to wait for long.
For the information of devotees in Tirumala, announcements are already being made in five languages including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and English. He said that from today, along with Tirupati railway station and bus stand, along with Srinivasaam, Vishnu Nivasam and Alipiri Bhudevi Complex, announcements will also be started for the purpose of informing the devotees.