About 300 two-wheelers were gutted in a huge fire at a bike showroom in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh on Thursday. However, there was no loss of life in this fire and it is suspected that the fire broke out due to a short circuit. A fire broke out at a TVS showroom and godown in the early hours of Thursday in the KP Nagar area along the Chennai-Kolkata national highway. According to the police, the fire broke out from the first floor of the showroom and immediately spread to the adjacent godown. At least five fire engines rushed to the spot after security personnel alerted the fire services.
Officials said the fire spread rapidly to the bikes. Electric two-wheelers were also stored in the godown and the fire spread further. As the showroom, godown and service center are in one place, the two-wheelers are parked in large numbers. This used to be the main center for TVS vehicles in Vijayawada and Krishna district. The police have registered a case and are investigating. Officials suspect that a short circuit occurred while some electric two-wheelers were being charged. It is estimated that the owner of the showroom suffered a loss of Rs.15 crores