The Kodikatthi case against Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been transferred to Visakhapatnam. In connection with this case which has created a sensation in the Telugu states, till now the trial has been conducted in Vijayawada NIA court. Now Visakha will be held in NIA court. The judge said this during the hearing in the court.
In October 2018, Jagan was attacked with a machete by a man named Srinivas at Visakhapatnam airport. The accused who committed the attack was arrested and sent to remand. Since then, the investigation is going on in Vijayawada NIA court. Now this case has been transferred to Visakhapatnam. The case was ordered to be heard on August 8. Gagana Sindhu, counsel for the accused Srinivas, objected to the transfer of the trial to the Visakhapatnam court. He said that it is not appropriate to transfer to another area after 80 percent of the arguments in this case are completed. However, Gagana Sindhu said that their arguments will be fully heard anywhere, and Jagan must come to the court and testify if the case is to be concluded. Srinivas’ lawyer filed a petition seeking bail to the accused. The case came up for hearing on Tuesday.