Tamil Film Producers Council has taken sensational decisions. It has been decided not to give advance to heroines from now on. The Tamil Film Producers Council has expressed its anger on several actors for not completing the shootings after taking advances. Complaints were received against hero Dhanush that the shootings were not completed on a large scale in advance. In this background, the film producers’ council became serious about his case. Henceforth it was decided that his films will be given the green signal only after the approval of the producers’ council.
On the other hand, the Tamil Film Producers Council has announced that the shootings of new movies will be stopped after August 15. The pending films were ordered to be completed earlier. It is said that the new movies will be launched only after the completion of all those movies. In this background, the Producers Council has asked for a report on the existing films and the advances given. After the completion of the previous film, the producers’ council is taking steps to give call sheets to another film. It is known that any heroine has been banned from taking any more advances.
More Decisions of Producers Council:
Star actors’ films release on OTT only 8 weeks after their theatrical release
After August 15, new Tamil movie shootings will be closed
Complete all ongoing projects by October 31
Shooting will not be allowed from November 1