Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan made sensational comments on the film industry in a press conference. Pawan Kalyan said that heroines used to be portrayed as protectors of forests in movies, but now there has been a change in that situation. It is claimed that smuggling with an ax has become the new definition of heroism in today’s cinema. Deputy CM Pawan said that in Rajkumar’s movie ‘Gandhada Gudi’, which was released almost 40 years ago, the hero played the role of an officer who protects forests from poachers, and in current movies, the hero is a smuggler who cuts down trees. Kalyan mentioned the smuggling of sandalwood along the Andhra-Karnataka border.
It’s just a movie, I’m also a part of the movie.. Many times, I shy away from doing such roles because I fear that I might send the wrong message,” said Pawan Kalyan. He met with Karnataka Forest Minister Ishwar Khandre and discussed seven issues. It was decided in the meeting that the Karnataka government will give 8 Kunki elephants to Andhra Pradesh to drive away the wild elephants that are destroying the crops in Chittoor district.