Prime Minister Modi’s road show will be held in Vijayawada West constituency soon. Vijayawada West BJP candidate Sujana Chaudhary announced this. In the presence of former Union Minister Arun Singh and senior leader Marri Sashidhar Reddy, Potina Venkateswara Rao, a senior Congress leader, joined the BJP. Along with Venkateswara Rao, a large number of activists and leaders joined the BJP.
Speaking on this occasion, Sujana Chaudhary said that Prime Minister Modi’s road show in the western constituency has been finalized. Sujana said that the people want good governance to end and the problems of the constituencies will be taken to the Prime Minister and resolved.
Arun Singh announced that Chandrababu is certain to be the CM of AP. Sujana Chaudhary will win with a huge majority and after all this is done, he will take everyone to Ayodhya. BJP NTR district president Adduri Sriram, senior leaders Paila Sominayudu, Bhogavalli Sridhar, Badita Shankar and others participated in this programme.