Hyderabad: The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested Ranga Reddy District Joint Collector MV Bhupal Reddy and Senior Assistant Y Madan Mohan Reddy, who were found accepting a bribe of eight lakh rupees to manipulate the records on the Dharani portal. ACB said in a statement that the complainant has been identified as Jakkidi Mutyam Reddy of Gurranguda village of Balapur mandal of Rangareddy district.
The senior assistant demanded Rs. lakhs from the victim to remove 14 pits of land from the banned list on Dharani’s website. ACB caught officer Madanmohan Reddy red-handed while taking a bribe of Rs.8 lakh in his car. The senior assistant told the ACB that he took the money only on the instructions of Joint Collector Bhupal Reddy. As a result, the senior assistant called the joint collector in front of the ACB officials.
Joint Collector Bhupal Reddy reached near Pedda Amberpet ORR in his official vehicle and stopped near Madanmohan Reddy’s vehicle. Immediately, Madanmohan Reddy took the bribe money kept in a plastic bag, gave the money in Bhupal Reddy’s car and got down from the vehicle. After that, the ACB officials seized the bribe of Rs.8 lakh from Bhupal Reddy’s car.
The money recovered from the bag in the joint collector’s car tested positive for phenolphthalein. The officials accused of abuse of their official position. They demanded and received the entire amount of the powers and bribes they had. The accused Madanmohan Reddy and Bhupal Reddy will be arrested and produced before the Principal Special Judge of SPE and ACB cases in Hyderabad. Officials said the case is under investigation.
Call Phone Number -1064 (Toll Free Number)
Officials have requested the public to contact ACB on 1064 toll free number to take action as per law if any public servant demands bribe.