CM Revanth Reddy said that there is no objection to change the name of Sripotti Sriramulu Telugu University in Hyderabad. They said that they are ready to name Suravaram Pratap Reddy. He said that he played a vital role in the liberation struggle of the state and played a major role in their writings, Golakonda magazine and armed struggle. CM Revanth Reddy said in the assembly that he will be named if everyone agrees.
CM Revanth Reddy said that they are giving Group-1 job to Team India cricketer Hammad Siraj even though he has no educational qualification. This is proof that we are providing support to the athletes. He reminded that Nikhat Zareen is also being given Group-1 job. He said that a sports policy will be brought in the state soon. He also said that another international cricket stadium will be built in Hyderabad.
He said that preliminary discussions with BCCI have been completed and they will give space to build it in Begarikanche where the foundation stone of Skills University was laid yesterday. He said that they wanted to set up a wonderful stadium. He commented that sports have decreased and political programs have increased in Yusufgood, Gachibowli, Sarurnagar and LB stadiums.