Srisailam | Free mass Varalakshmi Vratas were conducted on Shravan Friday at Srisaila Mahakshetra as part of the Dharmaprachara. These vratas are arranged in the Chandravati Kalyana Mandapam opposite the north gate of the temple. A total of more than 1500 devotees who registered their names online and locally at the Devasthanam office participated in this collective Varalakshmi Vrata. Along with locals, devotees from other areas also participated in this fast. All the pooja materials required for these rituals are provided by the temple itself. A separate kalasala was arranged for each devotee participating in the vratam and the vratam was conducted in a scientific manner. In this traditional Vrat, Mahaganapati Puja was performed first to make the program run smoothly. Later, Shree Swami Ammavarla’s utsava murthy, which was placed on the stage, was worshiped according to Shodashopachara.
As part of the Varalakshmi Vrat, all the devotees installed Kalash separately and invoked Goddess Varalakshmi. Later, Shodashopachara Puja was performed to Goddess Varalakshmi as a prelude to Vratakalpa according to Srisukta system. Afterwards, the temple priests recited the story of the vow and told the devotees about the glory of the vow. Finally, Neerajan Mantra flowers were offered and the Vrata concluded.
Saree, Ravika cloth, flowers, glasses, bangles, Tulsimokka, Srisaila Prabha Masa Patrika and three types of Prasad were given to all those who performed Varalakshmi Vrat. For the first time, under the auspices of Srishaila Devasthanam, the devotees were given sari and tulsi plant. After the fast, all the devotees were given darshan of Swami Ammavar through a special queue line. After darshan, food offerings were arranged for all the devotees in the Annapurna building of the Devasthanam.
The couple of Srisailam EO D Peddiraju, Deputy EO R Ravanamma, temple assistant manager M Haridasu, teachers M Purnanandam, many priests, Vedic scholars, supervisors and staff of various departments participated in this program. On this occasion, Srisailam EO Peddiraju said that in our Vedic tradition, it is a tradition to observe Varalakshmi Vrat in the month of Shravan. It is said that the month of Shravana is auspicious to all deities. He said that Varalakshmi Vratas were conducted under the auspices of the Devasthanam as part of the charitable activities. He said that it is very gratifying to see a large number of devotees participating in this collective Varalakshmi Vrat.
Archaka Swamulu said that all those who perform Varalakshmi Vrat at Srisaila Mahakshetra, where Jyotirlinga Swamy Mallikarjuna Swami and Mahashakti Swami Bhramarambika Devi shine spontaneously, are very lucky. Prosperity for all. For the first time, LED screens have been installed so that all the devotees can comfortably watch the Vrata process. A total of five LED screens have been installed in Chandravati Kalyana Mandapam.