MMRPS chief Mandakrishna Madiga welcomed the Supreme Court’s verdict on the sub-classification of SCs and STs. He was emotional that the 30-year struggle has paid off. He said that Prime Minister Modi has taken the initiative for classification. Union Minister Kishan Reddy has shouldered this responsibility. He said that justice survived because of the law brought by Chandrababu.
We are dedicating this victory to the martyrs and activists. Referring to the Supreme Court’s verdict, Mandakrishna Madiga said that the struggle for justice and righteousness has paid off. Mala’s brothers said not to be discouraged, they will include everyone. He said that the reservation system is going to take the second step and the court is standing on the side of the wronged communities. Governments have been appealed to give job notifications only after receiving the classification related organisms.
MRPS chief Mandakrishna Madiga reminded that SC classification was done by the then CM Chandrababe in the joint AP. They said that if Chandrababu had not done the classification then thousands of jobs would not have come to them. He said that justice survived because of the new law he brought that day. Now that Chandrababu is the CM in AP, classification will be implemented. Mandakrishna expressed special thanks to Chandrababu on this occasion.