Chiyan Vikram starrer Tangalan has started having release issues. Studio Green producer KE Gnanavel Raja was awarded Rs. 1 crore was asked to be paid. Gnanavel Raja is the producer of ‘Thangalan’ and Surya’s ‘Kanguva’ movies. While ‘Thangalan’ will release on August 15, ‘Kanguva’ will hit the theaters on October 10. According to a report in The Hindu, Justice G Jayachandran and Justice CV Karthikeyan ordered the production house, Studio Green, to pay the stipulated amount while hearing the petition.
A few years ago, Studio Green, the late realtor Arjunlal Sundaradas, paid Rs. They decided to jointly produce a film by investing 40 crores. While Sundardas paid the initial amount for pre-production, he withdrew from the project due to financial crisis. In this background Sundardas filed a petition against Studio Green. An assignee was appointed by the High Court to deal with Arjunlal Sunerdas after his bankruptcy. In 2019, the division bench ordered the production house to pay Rs 10.35 lakh with interest at 18 per cent per annum.
The lawyer for Gnanavel Raja said that it was suggested that the Hindi remake rights of ‘All in All Azhaguraja’, ‘Biriyani’ and ‘Madras’ can be sold for the amount paid to Sundardas Gnanavel Raja. Official Assignee Petition was filed by Studio Green for non-compliance of 2019 order. Further, Gnanavel’s counsel submitted only a photocopy of the document with Sundardas regarding Hindi rights. Hence, the Official Assignee has sought the help of the Madras High Court to stop the releases of Studio Green’s upcoming films till the payment is made. However, the Madras High Court awarded Studio Green producer KE Gnanavel Raja Rs. 1 crore was asked to be paid.