In Janampet village under Srirangapur mandal of Vanaparthi district, locals were shocked when a crocodile entered the premises of a house in the early hours of Tuesday morning. After a five-hour rescue operation, forest officials, with the help of volunteers from the Sagar Snake Society, successfully captured the crocodile and released it in the Krishna river at Beechupally.
At around 3:45 am, Naganna, the owner of the house, was woken up by the incessant barking of stray dogs. At the same time, when he came out, he saw a crocodile near his bathroom. Naganna, who was shocked to see the huge crocodile, immediately informed the neighbors. The crocodile might have strayed from the nearby Ramasamudram creek and came towards Janampet.
Naganna immediately dialed 108 and the forest officials informed the Sagar Snake Society. Beat Constable Ramesh, who immediately responded, noticed the situation and informed the home guard, the team led by Sagar Snake Society founder Krishnasagar.
The team began the delicate process of capturing the crocodile. First its nose was covered with a cloth to block its vision and then its jaws were secured with a rope to prevent any attacks. After the crocodile was safely taken into custody, it was moved from the village in the village panchayat tractor and released into the Krishna river.