Former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu said that politicians who talk nonsense should not be told their wisdom in the polling booth. He participated as the chief guest in the concluding program of Golden Jubilee celebrations of Visakha SFS School on Monday and said that some people are doing mockery in the Assembly and Parliament. Politicians should not forget the level and speak cheap words. Lately politicians have been talking about ghosts. Such people should be answered in the polling booth.
Culture is as important as education. No one should forget their mother tongue. They say mother tongue is like eyes… foreign language is like spectacles. He said that if you have education with values, you will become a citizen with values. He said that education with values is decreasing today.. This is not good. Everyone should strive to provide education with values. He said that the whole world is looking towards India because of the intellectual power in the country. He said that if the Lord asks for anything, he wants to take it back to the student stage. The country’s heritage should be preserved.. Google is no better than Guru.