Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan bought a two-storey building in South Delhi’s Panchsheel Park for Rs. He bought it for 37 crores. The basement, ground floor of the property is already owned by his parents, Shahrukh and Gauri Khan. They used to live there. According to the report of The Economic Times, transactions related to this building took place in May this year. Rs. 2.64 crore worth of stamp duty paid. In 2023, Shah Rukh’s daughter Suhana Khan was reported to have bought a property in Alibaug.
According to The Economic Times.. Suhana Khan on a property in Thal Village, Alibaug worth Rs. 12.91 crores invested. Suhana Rs. 77.46 lakhs also paid stamp duty. Aryan Khan did not become an actor like his father Shah Rukh Khan. He will make his directorial debut with a six-episode digital series titled ‘Stardom’. Bobby Deol acted in this series. Ranbir Kapoor is playing a cameo. Aryan recently wrapped up the shoot of the show.