Civil Aviation Minister K Rammohan Naidu recently said in the Lok Sabha that the construction of the new integrated terminal building at the Vijayawada airport in Andhra Pradesh will be completed by June next year. Rs. In a written reply, Naidu said that the project for construction of a new integrated terminal building and ancillary works at the airport at an estimated cost of Rs 611.80 crore has been approved by the Central Government in June 2020.
The project was delayed due to late receipt of environmental clearances, natural calamities including the COVID-19 pandemic, cyclones and heavy rainfall, he said. Non-availability of sand required for the constructions is also the reason for the delay, he said. He clarified that the work of Vijayawada airport is being carried out on a priority basis and we aim to complete all the works by June 2025.
Union Minister Rammohan Naidu said that the construction of the building depends on various factors, especially the permissions to be taken and the clearance of obstacles related to the airport. He said that the project has achieved 48.5 percent physical progress. He said that till June 2024 Rs.279.93 crores have been spent. The Union Minister answered a question asked by Jana Sena MP Vallabhane in the Lok Sabha.
As per the Greenfield Airports Policy 2008, the government has given in-principle approval for the establishment of three greenfield airports in Andhra Pradesh. It has allocated Rs.293 crores for Dagadarthi Airport, Rs.4,727 crores for Bhogapuram Airport and Rs.187 crores for Orvakal Airport. Orvakal Airport opened in March 2021.