New Delhi: A tragic incident took place in the national capital, Delhi. A 23-year-old woman and her three-year-old son died due to the authorities’ negligence. The tragic incident took place on Wednesday night. Delhi received heavy rain on Wednesday evening. Due to rain many areas have become waterlogged. Roads were knee-deep in water. Water has reached the road in Ghazipur too. Tanuja Bisht, a woman with her three-year-old daughter Priyansh, went on a weekend pilgrimage to Ghazipur when it rained. Rain water flows on the road while Santalo is bringing goods. In this order, a man hole was open on the road and the woman fell into it along with her three-year-old child who did not notice it.
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Alarmed locals informed the authorities. When an attempt was made to save the mother and son through a rescue operation, they had already died. An hour after the start of the rescue operation, two bodies were found 500 meters away from the place where the man fell. Still the mother is holding her son’s hand. This incident shows how much she tried to save her child.
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The locals are angry that this drain has been open for the last three months and they have complained to the authorities several times about this matter but they have not paid attention to it. Locals said that if the drain had been closed, both mother and child would have survived. The locals are angry that both of them died only because of the negligence of the authorities.