Devotees flock daily to have a darshan of Tirumala Srivari. In this context, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam is releasing quota of various earned service tickets along with special darshan of Srivari online every month. TTD has recently announced the release date of quota tickets for the month of May. Dates related to Srivari Darshan, Arjita services, accommodation rooms have been revealed. TTD advises that these tickets have to be booked online and be alert to fake websites.
Release Dates of May Quota Tickets:
Tickets for Srivari Arjita Services will be released on 19th February at 10 am. Online registration for e-DIP will be available till 10 AM on February 21. Tickets will be awarded at Lucky Dip on February 21 at 12 noon. TTD said that those who got the tickets should pay the money and finalize it.
TTD will release the quota of virtual service tickets for Arjita Brahmotsavam, Kalyanotsavam, Oonjal Seva, Sahasradipalankarana Seva on February 22nd at 10 am. 22nd February at 3 pm virtual services will release the quota regarding their slots.
Srivari Trust ticket quota will be released on February 23 at 11 am. Angapradakshinam tickets will be issued on the same day at 10 am. At 3 pm, TTD will release a quota of free pratyesha darshan tickets for elderly, disabled and chronic patients to visit Srivara.
On February 24 at 10 am, a quota of Rs.300 Srivari special darshan tickets will be released. On the same day at 3 pm the quota tickets for the dormitory rooms in Tirupati and Tirumala will be released. On February 27, Srivari Seva tickets at 11 am, Navanitha Seva tickets at 11 pm and Parakamani Seva tickets at 2 pm will be released online by TTD officials.