The wedding ceremony of former MLA of Vijayawada East Constituency Vangaveeti Radhakrishna was held in full splendor. Vangaveeti Radhakrishna married Pushpavalli. Many political personalities attended the ceremony and blessed the newlyweds. Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan and party political affairs committee chairman Nadendla Manohar attended the wedding ceremony held at Murali Resorts in Poranki, Vijayawada on Sunday night and congratulated the newlyweds.
BRS AP President Thota Chandrasekhar, MP Keshineni Nani, MLAs Kodali Nani, Kolusu Parthasarathy, Vallabhaneni Vamsi, Gadde Rammohan, former Deputy Speaker Booragadda Vedavyas, former MP Konakalla Narayana Rao, former ministers Kollu Ravindra, Kamineni Srinivas and former MLA Bode Prasad were among those present at Radha’s wedding the , Jalil Khan, leaders Yarlagadda Venkatarao and others. Many industrialists, film celebrities, fans of Ranga and Radha also participated in the wedding ceremony and wished the bride and groom.