Tirupati: Varalakshmi Vratam was celebrated in Padmavati Temple in Tiruchanur on Friday. Sahasranamarchana, Nityarchana, Abhishekam was performed for Moolavars and Utsavars from early morning. On this occasion, the goddess was decorated with a gold saree. Vishvaksen worship, Punyahavachanam, Kalashastaphana, Goddess worship, Angapooja, Lakshmi Sahasranamarchana, Ashtotara Satha Namavali were performed.
Goddess is worshiped with traditional flowers like rose, chamanti, jasmine, sampangi, tulsi, panniru aaku, maruvamu, lotus flowers and bhri. On this occasion, Amma was decorated with 9 Granths (yarns). Each granthi was worshiped as a symbol of a different deity. After that 12 types of offerings were presented to the goddess.
At night, the Goddess was paraded on a golden chariot through the four Mada streets of the temple and given darshan to the devotees. On this occasion, TTD EO J. Shyamala Rao, Chandragiri MLA Pulivarti Nani, JEOs Gauthami, Veerabraham, Temple Deputy EO Govinda Rajan and devotees participated.
Vrata Mandapam is particularly impressive to the devotees
The Vrata Mandapam set up in Asthana Mandapam at Adhyaryam by TTD Horticultural Department has particularly impressed the devotees. 15 staff members, 2 tons of traditional flowers and 20 thousand cut flowers of ten types worked hard for three days to decorate Ammavari Temple, Asthanamandapam and Vrata Mandapam beautifully. The Vrata Mandapa is designed with fruits like grape, sweet potato, pineapple, corn and various traditional flowers.