Sewerage in Vijayawada city is deteriorating. Even if it rains a little, the sewage reaches the road and the road becomes invisible. NTR District Collector Dr. S. Dilli Rao ordered the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation to undertake the cleaning of Bandar, Rives and Eluru canals passing through the city. The Collector inspected and found that the water in the Raivas Canal was stagnant on Sunday due to the accumulation of mud at Kothavantena Centre. The municipal officials were directed to remove the mud and waste materials obstructing the flow of water in the streams. At the same time, the Bandar and Eluru canals were also ordered to be cleaned. Dilli Rao emphasized that regular cleaning of the canals is very necessary, as there is a possibility of infections and infectious diseases due to water storage. The collector also asked to clean the banks of the canals as well as the parks established adjacent to the canals in some areas.