In Vijayawada, Dr. Ravali performed CPR and saved the life of a six-year-old boy named Sai. On the 5th of this month, a six-year-old boy residing in Ayyappanagar was playing near Sai’s house. The boy was accidentally electrocuted and fell unconscious. With this, the parents shouldered the boy and left for the hospital. Dr. Ravali saw them while passing by and asked what happened. Later, the boy was laid down on the road and CPR was performed. While pressing his hand on the boy’s chest, another person blew air with his mouth.
After seven minutes, when he started to move, he was taken to a private hospital. The boy is now fully recovered. A CT scan of the head found no problem. The child recovered completely and was immediately discharged and sent home. The latest video of CPR has come out. The video has gone viral on social media. Netizens are praising Dr Ravali. Ravali said that he fulfilled the duty of his profession by giving life to the boy with CPR. He said that CPR is very useful in saving lives during emergencies.