Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who was disqualified before the finals at the Paris Olympics, has announced his retirement from wrestling. This was said on Thursday morning by Ex. Vinesh, who was disqualified from playing in the Paris Olympics 2024 final due to overweight, said goodbye to wrestling. Meanwhile, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has announced that Vinesh Phogat will be welcomed and honored as a medal winner.
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The chief minister said that Vinesh Phogat will also be gratefully given the honors, rewards and facilities provided by the Haryana government to the silver medalist in the Olympics. CM Saini revealed on social media that he is a champion. Earlier.. ‘Wrestling won against me, I lost. Your dream and my courage are shattered. I no longer have the strength to fight. Goodbye to Wrestling (2001-2024). I am forever indebted to you all. I’m sorry’ Vinesh Phogat wrote in X.
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Being 100 grams more than his weight category (50kg) disappointed Vinesh. She was disqualified for being overweight. No matter how much I begged the authorities to give some more time to reduce that 100 grams, there was no result. However, she still created history as the first Indian female wrestler to reach the Olympic final. At least Silver secured and retained its identity.