Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Visakhapatnam is a special city for India and the port here is historic. Prime Minister Modi participated in a huge public meeting held at the AU ground in Visakhapatnam. The project worth more than Rs.15 thousand crores was started in virtual mode. After that Modi spoke.
Modi greeted the people in Telugu saying “Dear brothers and sisters… Greetings”. After that the Prime Minister said.. I met you a few months ago at the Alluri Jayanti celebrations. Now I am lucky to meet you again. Today is an unforgettable day for Visakha. Visakhapatnam is a unique city in India. Visakha became a prominent port and trading center in ancient India. Visakhapatnam has been growing as a leading business center for many years. He said that trade was done from here to Rome thousands of years ago.
He said that the projects that he is starting today will benefit the people of Visakhapatnam and AP. He praised the people of Andhra state as good and friendly people. He said that whenever former Vice President Venkaiah Naidu met him, he used to talk about the prosperity and benefits of AP. He said that the people of the state are showing their talent in all fields.
He said that priority is being given to the creation of infrastructure in the country. He said that they are modernizing the fish dock in Visakhapatnam. He said that there have been many changes in the transport system in our country. He said that India has overcome many challenges, is getting the best appreciation in the world and investments are increasing in India. Prime Minister Modi said that there is no exaggeration in saying that AP is playing an important role in taking India on the path of development.