The accident took place at Archakunipalem Primary School under Padmanabham Panchayat in Visakhapatnam. There was a sudden uproar in the school classroom. As a result, three students were injured in the class. The incident took place when the students were busy taking classes. Talada Vedashree, a first class student, sustained minor head injuries. She was shifted to Vizianagaram Government Hospital. Her condition is said to be stable. Two other students sustained minor injuries.
The school building where the accident took place was recently renovated as a part of Nadu – Today. Parents have alleged that the authorities are using substandard material. In this classroom, lessons are being taught to the students of class 1 to 3. The parents of the students say that the negligence of the authorities on the increase is evident within a month of the repairs. Parents of the students say that this accident happened due to the misappropriation of money by the contractors and the authorities should respond and take appropriate action.
The slab fell on the children studying in Visakha Padmanabham (M) Arachakunipalem Primary School. One student was seriously injured. Two others were injured. Classes from 1 to 3 in the same room. The building has been recently renovated. #AndhraPradesh #Visakhapatnam #Vizag
— Vizag News Man (@VizagNewsman) February 7, 2023