Waltheru Veeraiah pre-release event was grandly organized in Visakhapatnam. Megastar Chiranjeevi said in this program that he will settle here and become a resident of Visakhapatnam. He said that he has bought a land in Bhimili Road and will build a house soon. YCP MP Vijayasai Reddy responded. The AP executive revealed that he heartily welcomes Megastar Chiranjeevi who has decided to settle down in the capital Visakhapatnam. He said that he sincerely wishes Chiranjeevi’s new film Waltheru Veeraiya to be a huge success. Tweeted to this effect.
Chiranjeevi said at the pre-release event of Waltheru Veeraiya that he always wanted to live in Vizag and that dream would come true soon. It has been announced that land has been purchased on the Bhimili Beach Road side. He said that he will soon build a house and become a resident of Visakha. Megastar Chiranjeevi said that he gets emotional every time he comes to Visakha. He also said that when the director mentioned the name of the film, Waltheru Veeraya, there was a lot of positive energy and that is the reason for his love for Vizag.