IT and Industries Minister Gudivada Amarnath said that Visakhapatnam will be made the executive capital of Andhra Pradesh by next year. Speaking to the media on Thursday, the minister said that there is public support for making Vizag the executive capital and a fresh bill for the three capitals will be introduced soon. Amarnath said Visakhapatnam has all the resources to make it the executive capital of the state.
“It has all the connectivity of road, rail, water, air. Considering the economic situation of the state, Visakhapatnam was considered suitable for the capital city,” reiterated Amarnath. The minister lashed out at the TDP government for acting as a stepmother to Uttar Andhra. He alleged that TDP is spreading false propaganda against Rushikonda. He said that efforts are being made to make Rushikonda more beautiful, fearing that the TDP will be hit by tourism as tourism work is going on at a fast pace in Rushikonda.
Amarnath revealed that it will be visible soon. Amarnath warned the youth to be vigilant while expressing support for Janasena Party chief Pawan Kalyan. Amarnath warned that following Pawan Kalyan will not benefit the people and in future he will sell people as slaves to Chandrababu Naidu.