Bharatiyadudu 2 has got good first day collections in Telugu states. Telugu version of this movie got better collections than Tamil version. The total share of this movie is 5.8 crores and if GST is included it reaches 6.7 crores. The theatrical business value of this movie is 25 crores. First day recovery is 27% complete in pre-biz. A good performance is needed this weekend to reach the break even mark. The film has collected well on the first day in the Tamil market as well.
Nizam : 2.5 crores
Uttarandhra: 0.7 crores
East: 0.43 crores
Guntur: 0.55 crores
Krishna: 0.38 crores
West: 0.26 crores
Nellore: 0.2 crores
Ceded: 0.8 crores
The first day collection worldwide is estimated to be around 50 crores. Indian 3 is yet to come as a continuation of this movie. Fans are eagerly waiting for the third part.